Sun StorageTek Virtual Storage Manager (VSM) System
Sun StorageTek Virtual Storage Manager (VSM) System
It"s undisputed. Sun"s StorageTek Virtual Storage Manager (VSM) system is the market-leading virtual tape solution for mainframe environments. VSM improves operating efficiencies and lowers total cost of ownership by maximizing value of storage investments and minimizing the use of mainframe production resources.
At A Glance
- Helps to manage explosive data growth while optimizing storage resources
- Provides faster backups and data recall resulting in more efficient use of tape drives, increased productivity, business resumption and lower management cost
- Bolsters data protection and disaster recovery and sets a foundation for the future
Designed For You
- Backup and restore in mainframe environments
- Disaster recovery
- Archiving and offline processing
- Data protection
Optimize tape operations, protect information, reduce cost
With VSM, storage resources are maximized in data protection and archive applications. Disk-to-disk-to-tape functionality helps to enable revenue-generating activities and reduce costs Trusted data availability and protection.
Features and Benefits
There is nothing quite like the operating efficiencies and lower total cost of ownership you can achieve when you deploy VSM. It?s designed to maximize the value of storage investments and minimize the use of mainframe production resources.
Key Benefits
- Contains costs while managing massive data growth without adding more libraries, drives and media
- Mitigates risk by transparently copying and migrating critical business information offsite and/or automatically making additional copies according to policies
- Improves customer service with improved access time to information
Lowers total cost of ownership while enhancing customer service
Contain IT costs
VSM system helps contain IT costs by improving utilization of storage assets and driving cartridge utilization close to 100 percent. Cartridge counts can be reduced dramatically, from thousands to hundreds or even tens. And, CPU upgrades can often be postponed since VSM system is a single integrated solution that is 100 percent automated and independent of the processor.
Deliver service-level objectives
VSM system helps meet service-level objectives and enhance customer service. Tape performance is improved by accessing data at disk speeds and utilizing virtual tape drives to handle peak processing workloads. Batch times can be reduced, freeing up mainframe resources.
Improve productivity
Data protection applications run faster, reading and writing data to disk while VSM system manages the downstream copying to tape based on policies. Recovery is at disk speed; so business resumption is faster.
Increase flexibility
VSM system helps organizations adapt to business changes by providing greater flexibility in how IT resources are used to meet shifting IT priorities. It facilitates cost effective increases in storage capacity without interrupting critical business applications.
Augments data protection and improves disaster recovery operations
Automate data protection
VSM system can transparently copy and migrate critical business information offsite as well as automatically make additional copies.
Strengthen disaster recovery operations
When implemented as part of a remote vaulting infrastructure, VSM system makes disaster recovery more efficient by reducing data volumes and the number of tapes to manage. High data transfer rates further speed recovery. And VSM system reduces the impact of media errors. Multiple copies are created based on user-defined policies.
Virtual Storage Manager system makes the implementation of disaster recovery plans easier, more predictable and more reliable due to reduced data volumes, higher transfer rates and fewer tapes to manage.
Manage tape storage strategy intelligently
Move data simply and predictably according to user-defined rules, which helps simplify tape operations. VSM system enables the management of ?back-end? resources independent of applications and service requirements. Automated media migration and policy management help enable continuous operations for business applications during migration and consolidation.