Sun StorageTek FlexLine V2X2/V2X4f Shared Virtual Array Disk System
Sun StorageTek FlexLine V2X2/V2X4f Shared Virtual Array Disk System
Powerful and efficient. The FlexLine V-Series Shared Virtual Array® (SVA) with its advanced SnapShot and Virtual Technology brings unmatched storage and management efficiency into the enterprise. The SVA is the most effective solution for storing, protecting and managing mainframe data and reducing TCO.
At A Glance
- Drives down storage and management costs, reduces TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
- Protects and recovers data in seconds without consuming physical disk space resulting in increased data protection and availability for business continuity without doubling or tripling disk expenditures
- Enhances disaster recovery with fast and powerful local and remote replication technology
- Gets applications to market faster with concurrent test and development enabled by fast and easy SnapShot copies and restores
Designed For You
- High availability applications with tight backup windows
- Disaster recovery Business continuity
- Database (DB2) applications and backup
- Software test and development
- Storage optimization
Improve storage efficiency, increase data protection and reduce cost
The SVA brings unmatched disk storage and management efficiency into the enterprise providing 100% disk utilization and near instant and capacity-less point-in-time SnapShot copy for reducing storage cost and enhancing data protection and availability. The SVA allows customers to Do More for Less - more storage, more near instant copies, more data protection for less cost and management complexity.
Features and Benefits
The FlexLine V-Series storage systems provide a disk-based management solution that helps to reduce total cost of ownership. It improves data availability and accessibility while simplifying storage management.
Key Benefits
- Reduce costs and improve efficiency
- Improve data availability and accessibility while containing costs
- Simplify storage management and IT, save time and money
- Increase data protection and reduce downtime
- Deliver new applications to market faster. Enhance development and increase value
Improve data availability and accessibility while containing costs
Protect mission-critical data
The V-Series’ fast and powerful SnapShot, Synchronous Mirroring and PPRC technology work to help protect mission-critical data and assure its availability for business continuity and disaster recovery. SnapShot software copies and recovers data in seconds and provides as may copies as needed instantly, without much disk consumption. Data is ready to share immediately after a “snap” is taken.
Simplify DB2 Backup
The V-Series with it tight DB2 integration and Virtual Concurrent Copy provide consistent image copy of DB2, IMS or CIS databases without disruption to production or user access thus greatly increasing its availability and reducing it’s backup window.
Keep costs under control
The FlexLine V-series alleviates the traditional dilemma of balancing over-allocation and under-utilization of resources with budget constraints. The V-Series advanced virtual architecture provides up to 100% disk utilization and virtual storage over-allocation up to its maximum capacity without reserving physical disk. Customers pay for only that which they use with increased capacity on demand when needed. This defers acquisitions of additional primary disk, lowers operating costs and reduces storage management workloads.
Simplify storage management
V-Series makes it easy
Managing disk is far easier with the V-Series. The integrated management software provides a complete management environment that can save hours of daily labor by automating and simplifying tasks. Built-in intelligence handles self-tuning, automatic media management and disruption-free configuration changes.
Dynamic volume expansion and over provisioning facilitate growth and enable fast re-configurations for changing business needs.
Enhance development and increase value
Enhance application testing and application development
Virtual Power Suite™ SnapShot software makes application development faster and more effective by creating and restoring multiple data set copies fast and easy. This enables concurrent test and development resulting in improved quality and faster time to market. New applications can be tested more extensively both in terms of number of tests as well as the duration of tests with the most current live data.
Increase value with exceptional storage services
Sun’s Professional Services help firms achieve the full benefit of their FlexLine V-Series storage system. Baseline Implementation Services include installation and configuration of administrator software and the configuration of logical volumes on the disk system, as well as knowledge transfer to organizations.